Grace in the Face of Hostility

Summary of my sermon, based on 1 John 2:18-27. Preached at Greenhills Christian Fellowship Toronto on February 12, 2023.

Did you know that Christianity is currently the most persecuted religion in the world? The rise in hostility towards Christians is alarming, with around 360 million believers living in countries where persecution ranges from severe to extreme. Attacks on churches and the martyrdom of thousands of Christians further highlight this troubling reality. Although we, as Christians in the West, may not face persecution to the same extent, we must stand in solidarity with our persecuted brothers and sisters. Additionally, even in our context, we encounter subtle forms of persecution. Jesus Himself warned us about this, stating that as His followers, we would face opposition. In this blog post, we will explore 1 John 2:18-27 to understand how we can cling to the truth of Christ in the midst of persecution.

The Apostle John wrote this letter to combat the influence of false teachers who were spreading heretical claims about Jesus Christ. These false teachings left the believers confused and discouraged. To counteract this, John focuses on two fundamental truths: the Incarnation of Jesus Christ and the concept of God as Light. These truths serve as a foundation for three tests that help believers apply these principles to their lives: the moral test, the social test, and the doctrinal test. In our passage today, we will specifically explore the doctrinal test and the presence of the antichrists.

Cling to Christ Whom Antichrists Oppose

John begins by addressing the concept of the Antichrist, both in the context of the last hour and the presence of multiple antichrists. The concept of the last hour refers to the period leading up to the second coming of Christ, often associated with biblical prophecies about the end times. The Antichrist, in this sense, is a figure who proclaims himself to be God and opposes Christ. While there are various interpretations of the end times, it is important to acknowledge this reality without becoming fixated on the specifics.

The presence of multiple antichrists highlights individuals who deny the faith and abandon the fellowship of believers. These antichrists reject the divinity of Jesus Christ, denying the Father and the Son. Their departure from the fellowship reveals their lack of genuine faith. As believers, we are called to recognize and discern those who deviate from the truth and separate themselves from genuine Christian community.

Cling to Christ When Antichrists Attack

To remain steadfast in the face of opposition, we must understand that we have been anointed by the truth through the Holy One, Jesus Christ. The anointing signifies the influence of the Holy Spirit upon believers. This anointing equips us with knowledge and discernment to distinguish truth from lies. We do not require external teachings because the anointing of the Holy Spirit guides us in all matters. It is crucial to abide in this truth and resist the deceptions of the antichrists.

We are called to hold fast to the confession of our faith and allow the truth to abide in us. This promise of eternal life is rooted in our abiding relationship with the Son and the Father. By clinging to the truth, we are protected from the attempts of the antichrists to deceive us. Just as we are called to speak the truth in love and grow in Christ, we can find solace in knowing that the Lord is our rock, fortress, and deliverer.

Steadfast in the Midst of Persecution

In a world that increasingly opposes and marginalizes Christianity, we are called to stand firm in our faith. Our persecuted brothers and sisters serve as a reminder of the suffering that many endure for the sake of Christ. While we may not face the same intensity of persecution, we encounter opposition in various forms. By clinging to the truth of Christ, understanding the influence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and abiding in His teachings, we can navigate the challenges of persecution. Let us find strength and encouragement in the knowledge that our faith is not in vain. As we face the antichrists of our time, may we remain steadfast, knowing that the truth of Christ prevails over all opposition.